Based on today’s breakthrough scientific research into neurotransmitters, Override reveals a clear path to overcoming bad habits that sabotage our success in career, love, and healthy living.
Why, when we all want to live healthy and vital lives, do we so often botch it up? Why do we make decisions that negatively impact our work, relationships, and lifestyles? Why do our brains always seem to get in the way of our goals? The answer lies in our brain chemistry.
Virtually all of us suffer from an imbalance of either serotonin or dopamine – neurotransmitters that send signals through our nervous system. Shields, deficient in serotonin, unconsciously seek to avoid the discomfort of an overstimulated nervous system. While Swords, deficient in dopamine, tend to feel under-stimulated and look for ways to create sensation.
The coping styles we revert to under stress, depending on our type, have evolved to help us survive. But they are also the root cause of our most destructive and stubborn behaviors, from risk aversion to gambling. The good news is that these behaviors can be modified!
In this illuminating book, readers will 1st identify their personal neurotype through an easy and accurate test. Then, through focus strategies, they will learn how to understand their vulnerabilities and break out of self defeating patterns.
Combining ground breaking research with inspiring real life stories of struggle and transformation, Override provides a practical, easy to grasp, yet revolutionary framework for achieving the life you really want!